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What Do Your Nails Say About Your Health?

Did you know that your nails can provide clues to your overall health? It is white here, light red there, or there are some ripples or bumps, which may be signs of physical illness. There are problems with nails, liver, lungs and heart. Read on to learn about the secrets that nails may reveal.

1. Pale nails

Very pale nails can sometimes be a sign of serious illness, such as anemia, congestive heart failure, liver disease, and malnutrition. Although they may have many other causes, pale fingers and toenails are a common sign of aging.

In a survey of patients over 60 years of age, nearly three-quarters of people had light, dull nails. However, pale nails may indicate that some people have more serious health problems.

2. White nails

If the nails are mostly white with dark edges, it may indicate a liver problem, such as hepatitis. There are many reasons why only one nail may turn partially or completely white, including injuries, some of which will be discussed later.

In any case, when all of your nails become the same abnormal white pattern, this indicates that you should see a doctor for further examination. White nails with a pink band on top of the nail bed are called Terry's nails, and they may indicate a serious health condition.

3. Yellow nails

One of the most common causes of yellow nails is fungal infection. As the infection worsens, the nail bed may retract and the nail may thicken and crack. The most common cause is fungal infection. Smokers may use tobacco to yellow their nails. If they resist treatment, your yellow nails may indicate psoriasis, thyroid disease or diabetes.

In rare cases, yellow nails may indicate a more serious condition, such as severe thyroid disease, lung disease, diabetes, or psoriasis.

4. Bluish nails

The bluish color of the nails may mean that the body is not getting enough oxygen. This may indicate a lung problem, such as emphysema. Some heart problems may be related to blue nails. One of the causes of blue nails is silver poisoning (purpura).

Because your nail beds have no skin pigments, they may be one of the first signs of silver deposits. As exposure to silver increases, this irreversible condition will get worse and may eventually appear in sun-exposed skin areas.

People who work with silver, including silver miners and silverware manufacturers, are at risk of suffering from silver syndrome. Some medicines may turn the nail bed blue. These include drugs used to fight malaria (antimalarials), drugs used for antipsychotics (phenothiazines) and drugs used to regulate heartbeat (amiodarone). The rosacea anti-drug minocycline seems to cause at least one case of blue nails.

5. Rippled nails

If the nail surface has ripples or depressions, it may be an early sign of psoriasis or inflammatory arthritis. Discoloration of nails is common. The skin under the nail may look reddish brown. Patients with fingertip dermatitis can see ripples on the nail surface. This may be the result of atopic dermatitis, irritant dermatitis or allergic contact dermatitis.

6. Cracked or split nails

Dry, brittle nails often crack or split, which is related to thyroid disease. Due to fungal infection, it is more likely to rupture or split with a yellowish tint.

Often, the cause remains undiscovered, partly because there are too many potential causes. Brittle nails may be caused by drugs, nail injuries or many diseases or nutritional deficiencies.

When nails become brittle, the name dermatologists use may depend on how they split. When the nail starts to split horizontally, this condition is called onychomycosis. However, when they split along the direction of nail growth, this is called a leaky nail.

7. Puffy nail fold

If the skin around the nail appears red and puffy, it is called nail fold inflammation. This may be the result of lupus or other connective tissue diseases. Infection can also cause redness and inflammation of nail folds. Your treatment options depend on how you develop the condition.

Fluffy nail beds may react to certain pills or steroid creams. To know which one to use, consult your doctor. If you want to get rid of paronychia and get rid of it, consider avoiding water and harsh chemicals on your hands.

For example, see if you can use waterproof rubber gloves. Avoid putting your fingers in your mouth (for example, when sucking your thumb). Also, when you wash your hands, use a moisturizing lotion.

8. Dark lines beneath the nail

The black line under the nail should be checked as soon as possible. They are sometimes caused by melanoma, the most dangerous type of skin cancer. Since the color resides in the nail matrix under the nail folds, it is not possible to visualize the source of the color, which is usually the cause of anxiety for the patient and his doctor.

9. Gnawed nails

Nail biting may be just an old habit, but in some cases it is a sign of persistent anxiety and can benefit from treatment. Biting or picking nails is also related to OCD.

The most obvious is that chewing nails can make them look rough and rough. But other health problems may include intestinal parasites picked up from nails, jaw pain and dysfunction, nail fungal infections, and stomach infections caused by swallowing nail fragments. If you cannot stop, it is worth discussing with your doctor.

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